Very bad status of hardware (especially wifi) support in ubuntu, due to the too many accumulated regressions

Alex Cockell alcockell at
Fri Nov 21 10:50:19 UTC 2008

Hi folks, 

It's good to see this being discussed; I am your putative new user to
Ubuntu and Linux in general - although I work 2nd line tech support
(corporate IT) - Lotus Notes and Wintel, so I know the problem
resolution/reporting flow from that end.

I also bought my machine preinstalled with 8.04, and accepted updates to
8.04.1.  However, after that time, kernel 2.6.24-21 came out and broke a
lot of users' machines, causing a lot of bad feeling on the forums, and
on Brainstorm.  Being a preinstall user, I do not know what tweaks Linux
Emporium made before they shipped my machine.

As well as a field-test team, may I suggest that updates are subject to
a release-candidate-with-positive-signoff-and-test-battery process?
There are a lot more trusting users out here (Windows refugees) who want
a system that "just works".. especially when it comes to recommended and
critical updates.  And if something does make it to production...
shouldn't it be backed out asap f there is a massive hue and cry over
machines failing on reboot etc?

Just the thoughts of a newish user.

Alex Cockell


Alex Cockell
Reading, Berks, UK
alcockell at

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