Very bad status of hardware (especially wifi) support in ubuntu, due to the too many accumulated regressions

Bryce Harrington bryce at
Tue Nov 11 01:45:36 UTC 2008

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 08:13:52PM -0500, Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-11-10 at 17:05 -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> > > However, I am beginning to think that all the cases I know are i945 -  
> > > execpt for the aforementioned old laptop about which - frankly - I don't  
> > > care at all :) So perhaps "my" bug will solve most of the other ones  
> > > regarding VGA out.
> > 
> > Possibly.  VGA out issues tend to be extremely HW-specific.  I could
> > believe there could be a VGA out issue affecting just 945 chips.  That
> > said, I haven't seen the issue on the spare 945 laptop I have on hand.
> The issue doesn't affect all 945 chips.  Mine isn't affected.  There are
> multiple different chips in existence labeled 945, however.  From
> drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_drv.h:
> 945G: 2772
> 945GM: 27A2
> 945GM: 27AE

Yes, this is quite likely.  And indeed, quite often they're unique not
only to the chip PCI ID, but also the subsystem vendor PCI ID.  In other
words, the chip itself may be fine, but the issue came into being when
the chip was integrated onto the motherboard and wired to the VGA port.

The subsystem vendor PCI ID can be found in the 'lspci -vvnn' output, as
the second line after the VGA device PCI line.

> Maybe only one of these three is affected?
> I do have to wonder if it is more likely to affect upgrades than clean
> installs, as well.

Certainly it's possible, if the user had stray configuration in their
xorg.conf.  But usually users doublecheck that stuff before they file a
bug report, so most VGA issues I've dealt with have been legitimate
video driver issues.


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