Very bad status of hardware (especially wifi) support in ubuntu, due to the too many accumulated regressions

Vincenzo Ciancia ciancia at
Mon Nov 10 23:14:34 UTC 2008

On 10/11/2008 Bryce Harrington wrote:
> > > You should know them very well :) In fact you were "assigned" to 
> the
> > > case  some point in time between winter and spring, or at least 
> these
> > > were the words of somebody on the ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing 
> list.
> I wasn't assigned, but I did work on your bug around that time, and
> found it to be an upstream bug so forwarded it.

Yes I didn't ever take those words for serious but there was a thread on 
this mailing list where an ubuntu developer said that "an xorg developer 
had been assigned to the case". I was just joking about you having to 
know anything.

I have done all my best for that bug - sometimes really struggling to 
gather debug information in time before e.g. sending the laptop out. As 
soon as I have a monitor at hand I will keep on. But my laptop is not 
the only one. Problem is that most people in academia won't even bother 
to set up ubuntu - fancy to report a bug - if it cannot enable their vga 
out. Don't want this to look like a bug which will be quickly fixed and 
it's only waiting for me. This problem existed since gutsy at least and 
I cannot be the only one experiencing it. If so I am sorry for noise - I 
feel like intel is being said to be the "most free-software friendly 
hardware vendor" while they are not caring about finalising their video 
driver, and making at least decent their wifi one. I have been 
recommending intel hardware for first and I regret having done that. 
However, I am beginning to think that all the cases I know are i945 - 
execpt for the aforementioned old laptop about which - frankly - I don't 
care at all :) So perhaps "my" bug will solve most of the other ones 
regarding VGA out.


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