Very bad status of hardware (especially wifi) support in ubuntu, due to the too many accumulated regressions
Vincenzo Ciancia
ciancia at
Sun Nov 9 17:19:22 UTC 2008
To the ubuntu developers, in particular those who deal with hardware
Rather than using the pre-installed windows in my laptop, and giving bad
publicity both to ubuntu and myself, I decided to spend some money of my
own to purchase a kind of hardware that I already possess and even has
an open source driver, which does however NOT work. So, if I am going to
spend my money to remain a part of your community, please at least read
this e-mail till the end, even if it is so long.
This is not a complaint, I suppose I can find my way out of this mess by
buying various usb cards and returning them until I get the one that
works, but I want to bring your attention to the problem of finding
decent linux drivers for network cards, especially due to huge
regressions in this area in recent releases of ubuntu, including the
LTS. And this is also true for so many other components, so I am just
calling for attention, not to me, but to (y)our distribution and (y)our
hardware support.
I am the unlucky owner of an intel 3945 network card, internal to my
I say unlucky because, I have sadly to say this, it already used to be a
bit broken when the default driver used to be ipw3495, but since when we
have this new (completely open source?) driver, it created to me so many
problems that I can no longer use it. At home, it plays badly with my
802.11b router and I get some 10kb/sec which go slowly down until
frustrated I plug the cable in. Reported this bug a long while ago, also
to upstream, but everybody is just waiting for us to throw away these
802.11b routers, spend another bit of our money into consumer
electronics, and pollute the environment a bit more.
Now I moved abroad for one month, and it doesn't see an access point (it
mistakenly detected a network with a similar name, dunno why). I am
constrained to use windows, and the bad thing is that the guy that
shares the house with me was interested in linux until he asked me why I
was using windows. I hate this. Will complete my bug report soon, but I
had so many other little problems with this open source driver which we
all are supposed to support by buying their cards, that I decided to get
a new USB one.
Then I googled for a long time today, even found an UK resellers who
only sells open hardware and they strongly endorsed the usage of rt2500
chipsets because "the producer has embraced the GPL philosophy"... I
don't know if this is true, but I went to launchpad and searched for
bugs related to this chipset and found that also rt2500 has STOPPED
WORKING in many situations in recent ubuntu releases.
Now, I really don't know which card to get, and won't trust any
ubuntu-related source, since all of them say that iwl3945 works well,
while it completely sucks, forgive me. This is a problem of mine, not
yours. The question I want to raise is just.
For your own image, for the image of ubuntu, and for the sake of your
users, are you ever going to become committed to quality hardware
support, in particular starting to really prioritize all those
regressions from feisty and gutsy?
Are you going to intel and demand more attention to their ubuntu
customers, in particular making them notice that their beloved linux
drivers sucks?
(As you are there you could also mention the complete lack of attention
to problems in VGA out support in their graphics cards, ask toshiba or
vaio users for details ;) )
Are you going to check those rt2500 bugs, so that I can trust your wikis
and buy it?
Are you going to provide users a way (e.g. a tag that you watch) so that
they can warn you of regressions, and are you consequently going to
publish a page with ALL KNOWN BROKEN HARDWARE instead of just letting
people pay for that hardware, and then having to use windows because
they TRUSTED YOUR DOCUMENTATION that says it works, or just found a
driver in the kernel that IS SUPPOSED TO work? Is it possible that I
have to guess from launchpad bugs if rt2500 will work or not??? How is
my non-geek friend supposed to guess what hardware to buy for its ubuntu?
These are not things that _I_ can do, it's UP TO YOU who ARE the
distribution! So are you willing to do that or not?
People is actively reporting all regressions in times that I suppose
beat microsoft beta testers. People is working for free for ubuntu, and
ubuntu is working for free for people. That should be a good thing.
However, ubuntu is more and more broken, period. Intrepid is going to
keep on broken hardware support inherited from hardy (in particular,
iwl3945 and it seems also rt2500), and to break webcams and tablet PCs
for most of us. For me, it also breaks audio input. When I showed a
friend of mine that he could just plug his webcam and chat in his ubuntu
in gutsy (he had called me to ask for... drivers : )) he said "it's
better than windows!" and I was happy. With next release, people is
going to say again that ubuntu is just a toy for nerds.
People will get tired and get back to windows. You will loose what is
making you popular by definition: the quantity your _users_. The same
friend of mine recently asked me about Suse because he was tired of
bugs. Suse has the same bugs and worse, so I convinced him to stay with
ubuntu, but I bet he is now tempted to stop using ubuntu at all - I hope
he will not, though.
I fear that with intrepid, the popularity of ubuntu, the linux
distribution that the masses liked, will slowly start to decrease, and
this will also be the chance for microsoft to regain all those users and
desktops that had been "converted" to ubuntu. Which still are a small
minority of the IT users around the world.
Now, I told you what I wanted, hoping that there is some usefullness in
sending such an e-mail. It's time to do my part for today, reboot in my
network-disconnected ubuntu and report debug information to You.
Anyway, thanks for the good work in areas different from hardware
support. Intrepid is lovely, every time I try it I really would like to
be able to start using it. I hope to be in time for jaunty :)
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