Touch Screen calibration problem on Ubuntu 8.10

Loïc Martin loic.martin3 at
Sun Nov 9 16:00:41 UTC 2008

vinay makhamale a écrit :
>   I m vinay 
>         I have Kohjinsha SH8   for
> my regular use ... I am trying to install ubuntu 8.10 ,but 
> i  am not able to get exact position when i using styles for my screen . their must be a problem regarding the calibration...   when i touch the screen the mouse pointer is not exactly below the touch part  
> I think you got my problem 
>  please kindly revert my question..........
>                                                                                         thanks
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If your Tablet PC is using wacom technologies - check with

lshal | grep Wacom

Then you'll have to use Option B) in the guide at

However, it's not for the faint of heart.

If you don't have a second screen connected, you will then be able to
calibrate your Tablet with the command


Choose stylus, then Calibrate.

If you're not using this kind of Tablet, someone else might help you.


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