Version Control

Markus Hitter mah at
Mon Nov 3 09:52:40 UTC 2008

Am 02.11.2008 um 23:00 schrieb (``-_-ยดยด) -- Fernando:

> The reason I'm emailing you guys and galls, is to ask if someone  
> recommends any other Version Control System, that can suit my needs  
> of safe guarding my confs as versioning, plus binary files.
> AFAIK git aint that good, because each commit will store ALL files,  
> and not just the updates.

Git will, like any other version control system, store changes only.  
If you see complete files for each version in git, that's because git  
is lazy in tidying up it's repository and creates complete files on  
the fly, as needed.

A significant advantage over some of it's competitors is in your  
case, it works with a single private (.git) directory. Git works here  
for controlling binary files just fine. Binaries disallow merging, of  


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter

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