Should default keyboard be based on location?

Rishabh Nagendra cybermaster178 at
Mon May 26 14:20:35 UTC 2008

Well, I live in India and everyone here uses the US English layout.
Probably we could have the layout chooser show the layout local to the
selected geographical location by default. (instead of US).


On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 7:01 PM, Vincenzo Ciancia <ciancia at>

> Il giorno lun, 26/05/2008 alle 13.39 +0100, Caroline Ford ha scritto:
> >
> > UK keyboards are different, and computers here always come with UK
> > keyboards. Our keyboards have £ above the 3, and " and @ are in
> > different places.
> >
> In Italy, computer nearly always come with italian keyboard, and those
> who use an english keyboard are already used to changing the layout on
> the fly whenever they go to other pcs or whenever they just have to
> write something in italian and want accented characters. So I think the
> proposal to choose default keyboard based on location might make sense
> in italy. Perhaps this should be done on a country by country base.
> --
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