Should default keyboard be based on location?

Yannick Gingras ygingras at
Sat May 24 14:57:48 UTC 2008

  I just installed Kubuntu Hardy.  I selected my location, Montreal,
and only a few clicks later I had to pick a keyboard which defaulted
to US.  Since it knows where I live at this point, shouldn't the
installer default to Canadian layout?  I think that this is related
to ticked 37138 but I'm not sure because it seem to focus on locales
while the keymap is mostly locale independent.

I tried to see if I could come up with a patch but I'm really not sure
which is the several installer sub-modules is the one responsible for
the keyboard selection and which branch I should clone from.

To summarize:

 * Should the keymap default to the location's main keymap?
 * If so, where is the relevant code?

Best regards, 

Yannick Gingras

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