Ubuntu beyond GTK apps?

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com
Sat May 17 23:49:54 UTC 2008

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Conrad Knauer <atheoi at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was reading /. and they have an article up about "QGtkStyle"
> http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/05/15/1319204
> "A new project called QGtkStyle by Trolltech Labs gives Qt4 based
> applications the possibility to integrate natively into Gtk based
> desktops like Gnome or Xfce. Instead of simply imitating Gtk styles
> QGtkStyle uses the Gtk theme engine directly. The project is still
> considered experimental, but is another step into better integration
> between Qt and Gtk applications."
> And it reminded me of something that I had been thinking about in the
> past; Ubuntu is GNOME-based, but does not always default to GNOME's
> app selections (e.g. Firefox, GIMP and OpenOffice.org as I recall).
> Wouldn't it be interesting to take that a step further and have Ubuntu
> represent the best Linux apps (e.g. K3B?), regardless of widget
> dependency?  If QGtkStyle (or such) could seamlessly integrate them
> visually, I don't see why (beyond LiveCD size restrictions) that this
> wouldn't be a good idea...
> Anyway, just thought I'd mention the idea to see what people think.
> CK
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There will always be something obvious about QT apps running in GNOME
or GTK apps running in KDE. It's a question of who amongst the two
desktops will bend for the sake of consistency of their each own

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