Bug madness: High frequency of load/unload cycles

Lars Wirzenius lars at canonical.com
Wed May 14 07:11:02 UTC 2008

ke, 2008-05-14 kello 02:11 -0400, Mackenzie Morgan kirjoitti:
> Could a list of vendors who make crappy hard drives (ie ones with this
> issue) be made so we all can avoid them?  I can say my Western Digitals
> don't have the issue, though they do have a tendency to die anyway (bad
> sectors and dead circuitry, no clicking or oddly high disk i/o).

Don't all vendors occasionally make bad hardware? I know that I've had
bad disks from IBM/Hitachi, Seagate, WD, and Maxtor, at least. (Not all
of them laptop disks, though.)

(My philosophical stance is that all hardware is not just bad, but evil,
and actively designed to make your life a misery, but let's ignore that,
for now. My question above is serious.)

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