[Umc-dev] Discussion agenda for UDS-Intrepid around the integration of Elisa media center
Florian Boucault
florian at fluendo.com
Mon May 5 14:52:45 UTC 2008
Le dimanche 04 mai 2008 à 19:55 +0200, Loïc Dardant a écrit :
> Hi !
> 2008/4/24 Alessandro Decina <alessandro.d at gmail.com>:
> On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Loïc Dardant
> <loic.dardant at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> Hi
> > For UMC, I work for the Lirc part, as said Arnaud on the
> namepsace and hal
> > parts. But I'm always interested to do some other work (for
> example finish
> > the elisa lirc plugin, if it's still needed).
> I don't know exactly how's the status of the lirc plugin but
> i'm sure that any
> help would be greatly appreciated.
> > For UMC, I think the project is maybe too big for a
> beginning. An
> > integration on ubuntu should be a start point for us. The
> creation of a new
> > flavor of ubuntu should be delay in my opinion, because we
> must concentrate
> > the current force on a smaller project, like elisa
> integration.
> I don't know much about UMC but I agree that we should try to
> have good
> media center integration in Ubuntu.
> > It can be a good idea to develop this integration during (or
> before with
> > some of us who can't attend UDS) the UDS and create strike
> force with the
> > current UMC guys and everyone motivated.
> >
> > What do you think of that ?
> Sounds great.
> How do we get this started? :)
> Just some ideas :
> -> remote control support / keyboard support
> lirc task
> other remote control, like with the hand on a touch screen, with
> the voice, ...
> find what you want with a virtual keyboard
> more control : create a playlist,...
> -> integration like mac os x = just press a button
> get all your media in one click
That kind of integration would be really nice.
> ubuntu theme : maybe something transparent : same as elisa but no
> black screen, you can see your desktop behind. For example you chat on
> irc, and you're waiting a response. You can reopen elisa and see what
> happen behind
> -> gnome/kde controller/applet for elisa -> typical use case, you
> don't want to reopen elisa just to play the next song
Perfect for desktop integration. I saw a plugin going around that does
exactly that.
> -> an option to launch it at startup
That's a must have for computers dedicated to be media centers.
> -> a plugin to configure elisa : gtk,pigment or web server
> configuration with text file is no "desktop ready"
> -> do something if no graphics driver are available : is it possible
> to have elisa with no 3D effects ?
> -> integration with device : if elisa is your media center, when you
> plug your digital camera, elisa shows you a list of action, same for
> device like mp3 device.
> -> something with telepathy : don't know why, but i guess we can do
> some funny things
> All comments are welcome !
> There is nothing on the wiki page. Does someone write something
> somewhere already ?
> Alessandro
> --
> Loïc Dardant
These are great ideas Loïc! I am right now filling up the spec with
various use cases, it would be good to integrate your proposals in
there. Feel free to fill in the gaps.
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