Bug and discussion about ubuntu menu

Ouattara Oumar Aziz (alias wattazoum) wattazoum at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 14:48:10 UTC 2008

Dear gnome developers and Users,

We are having on ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list a discussion about 
refactoring the gnome menu layout.

To have more information on the subject of this discussion, please have 
a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/174277

So I the point is, I like the idea below. Removing the *Preferences* and 
*Adminstration* menu and replacing them with a single menu 
*Configuration* with a set of submenus.

Can you give me your opinion on this ?

Best Regards,

ps: Please keep the others mailing list in copy. If you don't want to 
subscribe to those list, please look at the video here 
http://wattazoum.fr/Optimised-usage-of-Ubuntu-mailing.html to use NNTP 
with gmane.

Ouattara Oumar Aziz (alias wattazoum) wrote:
> Remco wrote:
>> (I could've sworn that I hit Reply to All... oh well, I'm sorry for
>> the double emails to you, Greg. )
>> I sent the following to Greg an hour ago:
>> I think that a simple renaming or merging isn't going to fix this. The
>> complete configuration system has to be thought out. Someone
>> configuring his computer doesn't want to choose between 30 items in
>> each list. But he doesn't want to choose between 30 items in one list
>> either. He just wants to configure his:
>> * Personal Info
>>        - timezone, language, About Me
>> * Display
>>        - resolution, appearance, screensaver, power saving, etc
>> * Sound
>>        - which system, which sounds, recording
>> * Input
>>        - mouse, keyboard, joystick, head tracker, whatever
>> * Printers
>>        - anything and everything
>> * Peripheral Devices
>>        - iPod, Zune, PalmOS, syncing, etc
>> * Network Connectivity
>>        - IR, Bluetooth, Wifi, Ethernet, Proxy, samba, nfs
>> * Security
>>        - Users/Groups, Keyring, Firewall, Anti-virus
>> Any information, like System Monitor, Hardware Information and System
>> Log, should move outside the options menus. You're not changing any
>> settings with those.
>> Package Management doesn't need to be there either. It has a nice icon
>> under the Applications menu. An "advanced" button will suffice for
>> that. It's not really a setting anyway, so it shouldn't be where it is
>> now.
>> Maybe another configuration applet is needed: Storage. With things
>> like indexing, backups, restore points, partition management and maybe
>> even defragmentation. But Ubuntu is lacking a bit with backups,
>> restore points and defragmentation. (hoping not to start a
>> "defragmentation on linux" flame war)
> Thank you for this constructive comment. Technically speaking, it'll be 
> very hard to have every section GUIs merged into one (as those are 
> different applications). So there is 2 solutions I see :
> - Using sub menu for section :
> System
> ` configuration
>    | - Personal Info
>    |   | - timezone
>    |   | - language
>    |   ` - About Me
>    | - Display
>    |   | - resolution
>    |   | - appearance
>    |   ` - screensaver
>    | - Sound
>    | - Input
>    | - Printers
>    | - Peripheral Devices
>    | - Network Connectivity
>    | - Security
>    ` - Disks and Storage
>        | - Backup
>        | - Partition Editor
>        ` - Maintenance
> - using some /mini control center Guis/ by section :
> System
> ` configuration
>    | - Personal Info
>    | - Display
>    | - Sound
>    | - Input
>    | - Printers
>    | - Peripheral Devices
>    | - Network Connectivity
>    | - Security
>    ` - Disks and Storage
> Some feelings about these ideas ?

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