libc borked

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Thu Mar 13 06:00:03 UTC 2008

On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 23:30:14 -0400 "Todd Deshane" <deshantm at> 
>Please read:
>Also, you didn't provide any useful information. Bug reports, versions, 
>If it is hardy then you should expect things to break from time to time. If
>it is a stable release, then you should report bugs appropriately.
>The developers work hard and they don't need such a negative response and
>shouldn't be expected to drop everything and fix your problem.
>Please provide useful information and I am sure if it is a critical bug, it
>will be fixed in due time.
>Are you paying for support? or are you demanding things from volunteers?
>Would you treat providers of other services that you get such as Internet 
>Phone, etc. the same way?
>Best Regards,

I don't know who you are or what your involvement with Ubuntu is, but 
anyone who is involved in Ubuntu development (as Cory is) and has been on 
IRC in the last several hours is well aware of exactly what is wrong.  None 
of those details are particularly needed.

Cory's comment was a bit intemperate, but I feel your response was not at 
all helpful and that it really minimized Cory's extensive contributions to 
Ubuntu developmen.

In theory who says something shouldn't affect how it gets responded to, but 
in real life it does.  On a developer's list, I think people who are making 
substantial contributions should get a little slack.

Scott K

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