False default font "Times" in OpenOffice.org

Przemysław Kulczycki przemekkulczycki at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 20:23:14 UTC 2008

Milan pisze:
> Almost a year ago, I reported an issue [1] that appeared in OO.o Witer
> in Feisty: the default font is set to "Times", which does not exist and
> actually acts as an alias for the former default "Nimbus Roman No 9 L"
> (this does not affect users that upgraded from Edgy and older).
> The problem is, people believe this font exists, but they cannot choose
> it from the fonts list when they want to use it. This is misleading and
> does not help to become familiar with Ubuntu's own and good fonts.
> This was introduced by a patch:
> openoffice.org (2.2.0-0ubuntu1) feisty
>   * Use Times/Helvetica as the default font for writer documents (calc and
>     impress still pick up the DejaVu screen font).
> by Matthias Klose (who does great work apart from that) on Thu, 29 Mar
> 2007. Debian does not use it, nor AFAIK does Fedora.
> I could not get more explanation of the rationale of this decision. OO.o
> automatically chooses the right font according to what is installed, so
> there's no need for hardcoding an alias. Substitution is only needed for
> e.g. "Times New Roman", and can be nicely used with the Liberation
> Fonts, but it is not needed for the default font.
> So I raise this point here hoping that some developers can
> explain/debate on this better (Matthias, more information?) since a bug
> report is not ideal for that.
> Cheers
> 1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/105906

I filed related bug some time ago: openoffice uses proprietary 
(non-free) fonts by default
Shouldn't Ubuntu recommend free fonts by default?

## Przemysław Kulczycki <<>> Azrael Nightwalker ##
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