LSB Package API
Jan Claeys
lists at
Wed Jun 25 23:05:01 UTC 2008
Op woensdag 25-06-2008 om 21:35 uur [tijdzone +0300], schreef Pär Lidén:
> To those who say ISVs anyway targets specific distributions: Yes, they would
> still have to test it on all the major distributions, but they could use a
> single installation implementation. And they would have to learn only one
> system (which, if they are using Installshield-like software, is mostly the
> same as on Windows). And I'm quite sure most ISVs sees these two things as a
> big advantage.
Microsoft is clearly working on making any installer format except .msi
"illegal" or at least "undesired" on Windows (and most of their reasons
are similar to why distros want you to use their package management...).
I think solutions like InstallShield will become more and more some sort
of an IDE for installer development that outputs installer packages for
different platforms.
Jan Claeys
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