Banshee by default in Intrepid

Sebastian Breier Sebastian.Breier at
Sun Jun 8 19:06:03 UTC 2008

Am Sonntag, den 08.06.2008, 15:02 -0400 schrieb Evan:
> On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Darren Albers <dalbers at>
> wrote:
>         5) Built-in support for
> There is a rhythmbox plugin for this included in the default Hardy
> install. If rhythmbox is kept, perhaps there should be a look at
> enabling it by default.

Enabling it by default would require to ask the user for his
credentials on first start though. Enabling it without any credentials
is just the same as leaving it disabled: The first time the user goes
through the plugin list he'll activate it anyway.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to immediately ask for
credentials on first start though...
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