Remote recovery suggestion, now with initial code

shirish shirishag75 at
Sun Jun 1 05:30:38 UTC 2008

Hi Andrew,
    Its a good effort.  As a user it would be nice if I could help
other users. It would be nice if you could update the wiki page.

A point I would like to make is for instance what you have put in
Design paragraph

On the friend's computer, a Python script will be used that depends on
openssh-client and recommends vino | krfb. The script will ask the
friend for certain details (such as the helper's IP address), and will
describe what will happen as it tries to set up a shell or VNC
session. A Python script is suggested because (unlike Perl) it has
good IPv6 support out-of-the-box, because (according to [WWW] the
popularity contest) it's one of the most widely installed packages in
Ubuntu, and because (unlike C) the friend can download and run a
Python script in an emergency without needing to compile it for their
particular architecture.

Now should it be just the widely installed or widely installed and
widely used package as well. If you look at the popularity contest by
vote (which means packages which are
used regularly) then perl-base comes on top while python and its
brethren start at 76 onwards. Even in installations perl-base comes at
26 and python at 28 ( .  These are
statistics as on 31st May 2008 on the popcon server.

By no means I have love or hate for either programming language . Its
just some other statement needs to be there. Maybe you like it or you
like some of the tools which python provides or whatever. Just gives
wrong impression to the user.

 Shirish Agarwal
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