Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience

George Farris farrisg at cc.mala.bc.ca
Thu Jul 31 17:58:02 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-07-31 at 18:09 +0100, Andrew Sayers wrote:
> George Farris wrote:
> > Lets start again.  Yes, contrary to popular "geek" culture, there are
> > people that would like to:
> > 
> > A) Install a home server from CD
> > B) Login and be presented with a list of options for configuring that
> > server
> > C) Not have to understand how to run the server at the "guts" level.
> > 
> > Do you want to shared your music on your network?
> > Yes
> > Where is your music located?
> > Done
> > 
> > Do you want to share files with others on your network?
> > Yes
> > Fine -> Proceed to share definitions.
> >         Define file locations and security
> > 
> > Would you like to run a web server?
> > Yes
> > Fine this is now set up and you can connect here:
> It sounds like you're asking for gnome-app-install (the Add/Remove
> application in the main menu) to include Apache in its application list,
> and to add whatever bits and pieces are necessary for Samba and related
> packages to be counted as "supported applications".
> If someone from the gnome-app-install team is listening, they might be
> able to tell you how much technical know-how is needed to make the above
> happen.  Otherwise, you could e-mail one of them or post a question
> asking how you'd get started on it:
> 	https://answers.launchpad.net/gnome-app-install
> Either way, I think this is a good idea, and I'm glad you volunteered to
>  do something about it :p

Hahaha, good one Andrew.  Seems to me there was an Ubuntu home server
team having a go at this a few years ago but...not sure what happened to

I think this goes beyond gnome-app-install a fair ways.  Maybe as a
first step a script would work.  Then expand upon that one at a time.
Rapache might work for Apache but then it might be too complex for a
home server.

I'll think about it.  Thanks for the encouragement.


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