Did we really release 8.04?

Sebastian Breier Sebastian.Breier at gmx.net
Mon Jul 7 09:06:16 UTC 2008

Am Montag, den 07.07.2008, 09:33 +0100 schrieb Matt Zimmerman:
> On Sun, Jul 06, 2008 at 03:27:46PM -0400, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > Do we need to reconsider how we approach getting to a release? For an LTS 
> > release should we just add 2 months on the schedule?  It was done 
> > officially for Dapper and I wonder if we didn't do it informally for Hardy?
> For 8.04, a deliberate effort was made by Canonical to continue
> stabilization in response to real-world testing after the 8.04 release.  In
> practice, many issues which affect users are only discovered when end users
> begin to upgrade and use the new release on a daily basis, and for this
> release, we prepared a comprehensive response to this feedback.

That was exactly my argument (to myself) when I thought of answering to
the original poster.

Yes, Ubuntu 8.04 was kind of a low point for me, because (while it was
stable), there were many regressions and bugs.
Sometimes I wished the release had been put back to 8.06.

The problem is that even with all the alpha/beta/rc testing available to
Ubuntu, the most tests are only done when the release is out.

So, better to release and fix afterwards... *really* focussing on the
bugfixing though, as has been done, *not* focussing on the next release
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