No "run" menu item?

HggdH hggdh2 at
Sat Jul 5 20:33:09 UTC 2008

> I've never actually seen a Windows user use it.  They usually seem to
> prefer hunting through the Start Menu, except when tech support tells
> them to go to the Run thing and type "cmd" and hit Enter.

Well, I have seen it in use, a lot of times. It usually happens when an
admin comes to an user system and, instead of wasting time digging in
through the user's customisations, we go straight to the kill.

So, if you are talking about *end* users, casual users, then yes, you
are absolutely right. They would not understand the Run thingy even if
it bit them. As an extension, if we are building an system for the
naive, casual users, then we should not have such an entry in the menu.

If, on the other hand, we a re building a system to be used by all, I
see no reason *NOT* to have it.

And this is not because another OS has it, its because it is useful.

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