No "run" menu item?

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Fri Jul 4 21:59:06 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-07-04 at 23:55 +0200, Przemysław Kulczycki wrote:
> Mackenzie Morgan pisze:
> > On Fri, 2008-07-04 at 23:21 +0200, Przemysław Kulczycki wrote:
> >> Recently I've noticed that Ubuntu (or just Gnome) doesn't have a "run 
> >> program" menu entry like in Windows' Start menu.
> >> I don't think every user will magically know the alt+f2 shortcut.
> >> I think this menu item should be added to the Applications menu, above 
> >> or below Add/Remove menu item.
> >> It's a pretty trivial task so I think it could be easily added in Intrepid.
> > 
> > There's a panel applet for it that you can add.
> But that's not a solution. People migrating from Windows probably will 
> expect to have such a feature in the menu, not somewhere else. And I 
> don't think they would search for it in the applets.
> There is a Gnome bug filed about it:

I've never actually seen a Windows user use it.  They usually seem to
prefer hunting through the Start Menu, except when tech support tells
them to go to the Run thing and type "cmd" and hit Enter.

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo
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