Need to upgrade apache2 and php5 for security reasons

Alan Milnes deep64blue at
Tue Jul 1 18:27:59 UTC 2008

Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Monday 30 June 2008 10:52, Christian Desrochers wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Our web servers have been checked recently by an external security firm. We
>> have been told that our web servers need to be upgraded to the latest
>> version in order to fix some security issues.

That is seriously bad advice - you will need to

a) Compile your own versions
b) Resolve any conflicts with the rest of the distribution
c) Test all your apps with the new versions

Best practice for Servers is to maintain the versions simply applying 
security patches. I would suggest that you

i) Ask this firm to explain exactly what they are hoping to achieve.
ii) Talk to whoever pays the bills and ensure they don't get paid for 
producing this nonsense.



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