ufw firewall

Jamie Strandboge jamie at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 29 19:26:51 UTC 2008

ufw is a new firewall application that has recently been uploaded to
universe. The goal is to have an easy to use firewall application for
end users, while at the same time not get in the sysadmin's way. It is
now in a state for wider testing.

Important notes:
 * currently only host-based 
 * cli
 * its disabled by default on installation
 * package integration is not (yet) implemented

Please test and file bug reports in [1]. See [2], 'man ufw', and
/usr/share/doc/ufw/README for more details.


[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ufw/
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewall
Email: jamie at ubuntu.com
IRC:   jdstrand
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