Open Movie Editor vs. Kdenlive.

George Farris farrisg at
Wed Jan 23 16:19:50 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 13:52 -0500, Cory K. wrote:
> Ok. We need a serious technical look at these two to replace PiTiVi in
> Ubuntu Studio-Hardy.
> Open Movie Editor -
> KDEnlive -
> I'd also like to reference -
> as having some good points. ie: OME has JACK support.
> -Cory \m/

I am trying to whip up some support and developers for the Pitivi
project.  I think it has great potential and would hate to see it die.

I know this isn't the best list but anyone who has any interest in
Python and video editors please head over to the pitivi mailing list and
join the discussion.

Pitivi home page.

Help us make this a great video editor and also advance the Gstreamer
libraries.  It can only be a win, win situation.


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