Automatically sync new packages until feature freeze

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Sun Jan 20 17:43:43 UTC 2008


Wouter Stomp [2008-01-19 21:13 +0100]:
> Currently the automatic import of new packages from debian stops at
> the debianimportfreeze, which is very early in the release schedule.
> After that, sync requests have to be filed and acknowledged, which is
> a lot of unneccessary work I think and causes packages for which no
> requests are filed not to be in ubuntu, while they could have been.
> Would it be possible to automatically sync new packages in debian
> unstable until featurefreeze (or even later)?

Technically this is not a problem at all.

For discussing/changing the policy I'd recommend you to raise this
with the Technical Board.

</officialy speaking>

My own opinion: I tend to agree. It would steamline the job of
requesters and archive admins, and completely new packages are mostly
harmless. Since universe already has a magnitude more packages that
MOTUs can handle, it doesn't make the maintainability situation
significantly worse, eases source package renaming/lost build deps,


Martin Pitt
Ubuntu Developer
Debian Developer
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