Kerberos? Does anyone have this running?

Neal McBurnett neal at
Thu Jan 10 22:20:05 UTC 2008

On Thu, Jan 10, 2008 at 03:02:28PM -0700, Kevin Fries wrote:
> >
> Yep, saw that, and followed that thread.  But I like many others have
> dnsdomainname working correctly, and it is still not working.
> Others in the forums report the same failure despite dnsdomainname
> returning correctly.  Yet, there were no responses.  That is why I
> decided to ask the developers.  Thinking it may be in the process of
> being EOL'd or something.

Well of course kerberos is part of AD also, so I don't think there is
much risk of it being EOL'd.  But finding an easier way to configure
it all is a high priority.

Again, I think that posting those results, config files, etc to the
relevant launchpad bug report(s) is the best way to get developer
assistance.  Or the IRC links I gave before.

Good luck!


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