LVM on hardy's live installer?

Kevin Fries kfries at
Wed Jan 9 17:49:47 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 12:36 -0500, Evan Dandrea wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 10:26 -0700, Kevin Fries wrote:
> > On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 11:50 -0500, Evan Dandrea wrote:
> > > To my knowledge there has never been a LVM branch of ubiquity.
> > 
> > I am 85% sure Jeos does, as does the alternate install disk.  For some
> > reason, I thought the server disk also did.
> Right, but those use debian-installer, not the live CD installer,
> ubiquity.  d-i has had LVM support for a while, as already mentioned.

ahhhhhh, I get your point now.

There is a bad issue IMHO with the way Ubuntu partitions disks by
default anyway.  While I always custom install to place /boot and /var
or /var/log on separate partitions, I understand other reluctance to do
that.  But! /home should always be on a separate partition in a
workstation build, and placing that as LVM by default is just a great
CYA move.

If there is any part of the system that is likely to grow out of
control, its user file space.... i.e. /home.  This just comes down to
long term ease of use for the end user.  Adding another disk, could be
added to the /home LVM, and provide an environment that is more
advantageous to end users than Windows (who would need to keep track of
additional disk drives rather than just see a larger home partition).

Given that Hardy is a LTS release, I guess the question is to add it now
so that the LTS users don't have to wait 3 years to get it?  Or consider
the feature untested, and wait for Hardy+1 so that there is time to iron
out bugs before its added to the next LTS release?

Kevin Fries
Senior Linux Engineer
Computer and Communications Technology, Inc
A Division of Japan Communications Inc.

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