Hardy Alpha-2 notes

Richard Mancusi vrman49 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 15:37:06 UTC 2008

On Jan 6, 2008 4:38 PM, (``-_-ยดยด) -- Fernando <ubuntu at bugabundo.net> wrote:
> On Saturday 05 January 2008 06:18:08 Richard Mancusi wrote:
> >    I have one application (non-opensource) that will not install
> >    with sudo.  You must logon as administrator.  I checked the
> >    box to "Allow local system administrator login"  And via
> >    System/Administration/Users and Groups set a password,
> >    and even checked all the boxes in User Privileges.  However
> >    GDM will not allow the logon.  Also note that the boxes I
> >    checked in User Privileges are unchecked if you look again.
> >    Display problem or real? - I don't know.g:
> edit gdm.conf, and allow root:
> sudo nano /etc/gdm/gdm.conf
> [security]
> # Allow root to login.  It makes sense to turn this off for kiosk use, when
> # you want to minimize the possibility of break in.
> AllowRoot=true
Thank you for this workaround

> >
> >    Note: Although this application will not install even with su -
> >    I tried simply entering in a terminal su - with the correct
> >    password and the reply is "su: Authentication failure"
> >    sudo does work as expected.
> Are you sure you used the root password and not the admin user? you can make sure by choosing a new pass for root, by doing
> #sudo passwd
This is merely a test system - so I made life easy on myself and the
password for the single user, administrator, and root are all the same.
Therefore I think it's safe to say I entered it correctly.  It appears that
something went wrong with the installation and we should assume that
it is on my end.  Most of my problems seem to be associated with a gui
not talking to the config files.  Yes I can simply edit those files directly
but I would rather test the gui.

Doesn't make much sense to re-install Alpha-2 when Alpha-3 is near.
I look forward to that test.


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