Use SVG icons instead of PNG

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Sat Feb 9 18:15:56 UTC 2008

One intention for Hardy, at least from what I read before (correct me if
it's changed) was to use SVGs for everything, so I'm guessing things are
changing over bit by bit.  Many of the apps have a png and an svg version
available though.

On Feb 9, 2008 10:36 AM, Ioannis Nousias <s0238762 at> wrote:

> I'm sure this has been asked before.
> Most of the system application launchers use PNG icons. For example,
> Firefox and Thunderbird (two of the most commonly used apps). Very few
> use SVG, like gnome-terminal.  I like to have few icons on my desktops
> that are stretch to ~x2 their size. PNGs look aliased when stretched.
> Another case where the fixed resolution of PNGs gets in the way, is in
> things like cairo-dock, where the application's icon in 'window list'
> looks aliased.
> The obvious question is, why use PNGs and not SVG for all icons?
> Performance?
> Also, is that theme related ? I use the 'human' theme.
> regards,
> Ioannis
> PS: I've modified 'firefox.desktop' in '/usr/share/applications', just
> to make sure that the default uses SVG. This works well for my desktop
> icons, however, things like cairo-dock keep displaying a PNG icon of the
> running firefox app. Is there something else I need to change, or is
> this Cairo-Dock's fault ?
> --
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Mackenzie Morgan
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