You lost a new Ubuntu user

richard richard.bown at
Sat Dec 27 16:47:39 UTC 2008

On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 17:51:41 +0200
"Dotan Cohen" <dotancohen at> wrote:

> 2008/12/27 richard <richard.bown at>:
> > But if some one gives you a CD saying this is a complete distro,
> > surely no matter how thicK you are you must realise that a complete
> > distro can not fit on a 700Mb CD, therefore there is more to be
> > loaded, and when it sets up the inet connection it should be
> > obvious that is where the additional  is coming from.
> >
> Apparently your definition of complete differs from the common
> definition.
> In any case, go ask the average joe what the storage capacity of a
> CD-R is. Now ask him what size an average Linux distro might be. Now
> ask him if that Linux distro will likely or likely not fit on that
> disk.
> Ask a non-geek friend, or relative. Because according to Bug #1, that
> is Ubuntu's target audience.
No I think your being far to kind

OK lets take Mr Joe average, if he's considering linux its because he
fed up with Gatesware.

He knows that if he buys a copy of windows 1 CD maybe 2
he knows that if he wants MS Office another CD
He knows that games is another CD/game
everyday apps stuff for the kids etc that's another couple of CDs.

So Mr average knows by default that the bundle of applications with
Linux is more than one CD.

Or are we talking about the bottom end of the human pool of users.
the ones that buy every thing ready loaded from PC *, we it goes wrong
which winders always does, they take it back to the store and their
techguys charge them , what $100

and after they have done that a few times they get told and believe that
they need the next version of winders. that how Gates and stores like
PC* survive. the live of the ignorance of their users.

Mr average user is capable of reading, he/she is reasonably web
literate, their knowledge is a bit greater than their kids. and as 
such there is no excuse for not knowing the size and capacity of a CD.

Look at the ways most linux users were introduced to linux.
By a friend who gave them the install disc , in that case the friend
will assist with install.
By googling around the distro sites, most that find Ubuntu will realise
now that its the only release  that's basically free, gratis.

That may indicate we all have inherited the scrooge gene, the moans
about ISPs charging for additional downloads would indicate some truth
in this.

If you were going to mail shot the population of any country with
install CDs, then you would have to put a download warning on the
but as the route they chose to get to linux has been then own, they are
obviously capable of reading and don't need warning that the bulk of the
package has to be downloaded from somewhere.
The other proof of the process of selection of Ubuntu users, is it has 3
 syllables, so we are protected from those who can only manage two
XP, windows vista and there's more,

but this is using valuable drinking and eating time at this time of year

Best wishes

Richard Bown

Registered Linux User 36561
OS: Ubuntu 8.10, Intrepid, on AMD Dual Athlon 64 +4400: 8 GB RAM DDR2
Ham Call: G8JVM , QRA IO82SP, Interests Microwave

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