Open Office problems

Onno Benschop onno at
Mon Dec 15 21:42:41 UTC 2008

On 10/12/08 08:44, Michael Bonertz wrote:
> I'm running kubuntu Intrepid.
> I have in my apt sources files.
> This morning I did an upgrade that was available, and it was largely 
> Open Office stuff from that site.
> After the upgrade, Open Office doesn't work. 
> It starts up and tells me it needs to retrieve a file from a crash, and 
> whether you tell it yes or no, it crashes.
> I had to comment out the launchpad source and reinstall Open Office 2.4 
> to get a working version.
> I prefer running 3.0.  I can install 3.0 from source, or directly from 
> Open Office.  Would rather use version in the repositories.  Any ideas?
The packages distributed via are "personal packaging
archives", and you will be specifically linking to one archive created
by one developer or team. These archives are specifically *not*
Ubuntu/Canonical archives and are not supported.

If you are having trouble, the best way to get support is to ask the
publisher of the ppa you subscribed to.

Onno Benschop

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