Bringing Wine into Main

Scott Ritchie scott at
Mon Dec 15 19:37:28 UTC 2008

(``-_-´´) -- BUGabundo wrote:
> Olá Scott e a todos.
> On Monday 15 December 2008 10:22:58 Scott Ritchie wrote:
>> Most of Wine's dependencies are already in main, but on amd64 Wine still requires
>> ia32-libs for about 15 packages that don't have separate lib32 versions.
> Thanks Scott for your HARD work with wine.
> Do you have any idea when bug 298611 can be fixed?
> Right now, on jaunty, wine (and all other apps depending on ia32) aint working (but the fix mention there does help).
> Thanks once again.

I'm aware of it - all that's really needed is a few lines in ia32-libs
followed by a rebuild of that, then a rebuild of Wine.  I've subscribed
pitti because he normally does these things for me.

Scott Ritchie

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