Pulseaudio/Jack in Ubuntu Hardy

Martin Owens doctormo at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 15:00:34 UTC 2008

>  -> Yes, some sound cards really need 2, and some really need 3.

In this case it sounds like you need device specific configuration,
you should consider creating some sort of udev/hal infrastructure
where this data is configured into a data point in hal and your pulse
audio or what ever scripts you hang around it that look at hardware
can configure on the fly from there.

>  don't own all the sound card of the world, it will be very difficult to
>  test them

Oh it's not that hard. It be nice to have hardware testing brought
into the community; you don't have to do everything yourself. Ask for
others to add corrections as you go and pick sensible defaults where
data doesn't exist.

>  NOT at all intended for musical noobs... It is intended for serious
>  music workers, even if they are hobbyist like me and a lot of people, in

I decided to ignore the rant that followed the productive part of the
email, it wasn't very nice. Please lets keep this mailing list

Best Regards, Martin Owens

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