Printing does not work in 8.04

Milosz Derezynski internalerror at
Mon Apr 28 14:30:29 UTC 2008

Yes same for me, on the Live CD the printer was basically immediately

I've been running this system as Gutsy before, and updated to Hardy in a
very early phase (4 Months before the release i think), could some gradual
updates caused a misconfiguration of the system? If yes, what in particular
could i check for? (I've already tried uninstalling everything cups,
manually deleting all directories belonging to it and then reinstalling, to
no avail.)

2008/4/28 Thomas Novin <thnov at>:

> On Sun, 2008-04-27 at 09:44 -0600, Conrad Knauer wrote:
> > FWIW, I just tested my Samsung ML-2510 and had no problems whatsoever;
> > it 'just worked' when I switched it on.
> >
> > Also, http://localhost:631 seems to work just fine.
> This works fine for me too now. Maybe a reboot fixed the problem, maybe my
> manual installation of libpam-smbpass.
> > Thomas: out of curiosity, what make/model printer are you using that
> > gave that error?
> EPSON EPL-5900.
> > Thomas, Milosz: could you both test with a Hardy Live CD and see if
> > its repeatable there?
> No, not repeatable on the Live CD. There my printer was automatically
> installed and when I tried to print a test page it immediately printed it.
> Rgds
> --
> Thomas Novin <thnov at>
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> Cell: +46 730 665423
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