make information for installing Ubuntu from a USB flash drive easily accessible
Mackenzie Morgan
macoafi at
Sun Apr 20 14:40:04 UTC 2008
The page is right here. It just needs to be linked to on the main
download page so users know it exists.
On Sun, 2008-04-20 at 15:55 +0800, Onno Benschop wrote:
> On 20/04/08 15:36, Jerone Young wrote:
> > I think what he means is adding a page that is easily accessible to
> > you know .. the average guys. These are not on any of the offical
> > pages. Would be nice (and probably more environmental friendly) if
> > more users knew that you could use a USB key to install.
> >
> After hitting send I realised that my contribution to the list and
> Alexander's request was not as constructive as it could have been. For
> that I apologise. Your follow-up email offers me the opportunity to
> remedy that.
> The first step to an "official" page is to create an "unofficial" page.
> I should also point out that the gap between "official" and "unofficial"
> is almost arbitrary in the age of integrated search engines. If you
> present a page that contains a well documented and thoughtful process,
> that is peer reviewed, that contains test cases and follows
> documentation standards, then your "unofficial" page will be of a
> similar reach and utility to your intended audience.
> Perhaps you and Alexander should join forces and create a page
> documenting the process on the wiki.
> Once the document has been drafted and once you've had a few people test
> it and comment on it, you might present the completed page here and ask
> the question again. I suspect a more fruitful path is that you might
> discuss your drafted page with the documentation team.
> It may well be that your page grows and becomes part of the "official"
> documentation, or it may just retain its "unofficial" status - this
> really should be of limited concern in my opinion. Once a process is
> documented it becomes available to the wider community and that should
> in my opinion be what drives your contribution.
> A USB flash installation may be vital for you, perhaps it's even vital
> to others, but unless it's documented, it doesn't exist.
> --
> Onno Benschop
> Connected via Optus B3 at S31°54'06" - E115°50'39" (Yokine, WA)
> --
> ()/)/)() ..ASCII for Onno..
> |>>? ..EBCDIC for Onno..
> --- -. -. --- ..Morse for Onno..
> ITmaze - ABN: 56 178 057 063 - ph: 04 1219 8888 - onno at
Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo
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