unused dependencies of shared libraries

Serhat ubunturk at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 07:16:38 UTC 2008

greetings. i was reading Mr Drepper's blog (http://udrepper.livejournal.com/)
and got curious of how many such sub-optimal shared libraries there would be
in /usr/lib of a typical installation of xubuntu 7.10 64-bit desktop on a
dell core2 laptop.
the result is amazingly many :)

$ ./s1.sh > out.txt
922 of 1216 libraries found are sub-optimal
Avg # of unused dependencies for those: 6.517

if we didnt have these unused dependencies, would the laptop/xfce boot up
significantly faster for instance?

ps: initially i sent this to ubuntu-devel but i guess that is just for
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