Unneeded System Tools menu

Timo Jyrinki timo.jyrinki at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 17:56:29 UTC 2008

2008/3/31, Milan <nalimilan at club.fr>:
> The expression "System" is not the only, nor the main problem: adding a
>  submenu when you only have 7 of them is a major change in Applications.

My point exactly.

>  categories of programs. And "Tools" already exists, if you don't go this
>  way: it's called "Accessories".

True, too.

>  If you agree we should do something, here is short list of options:
>  - the easiest may be to move g-s-m to Accessories and hwtest to
>  Administration

I think this would be the easiest and best option for hardy. It's the
least intrusive option and would fix the problem.

For hardy+1, upstream hopefully also cleans up the System->Preferences
menu by combining more programs.

>  - another more complex approach could be to create a submenu in
>  Administration called System Tools or something like that, so it would
>  not annoy us when we want to work and not administrate the system. This
>  would work on a long-term outlook, since we can completely remove the
>  System Tools menu from Applications.

This might be something worth considering indeed.


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