A responsible use of the "incomplete" status.

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 27 19:16:31 UTC 2007

Sarah Hobbs wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> You know, it's mails like this that make me really feel that it's not
> worth triaging bugs, or aiming for a reasonably decent QA.
> It's when you start dealing with ~1000 bugs over a few source packages
> that this kind of stuff gets interesting.  Yes, one bug would be easy
> enough.  1000?  Now that takes a while.  

Right, let's keep in perspective that the aim of Ubuntu QA is to improve 
the quality of the distro. At the end of the day it's about the code we 
compile and CDs we provide to our users.

Taking feedback through bug reports is one of our most important tools 
in that pursuit, but it's just that: one of our tools. Triaging all bugs 
perfectly so that no useful information is ever lost and everyone feels 
happy at every step is not necessarily the most efficient path towards 
the general goal.

We should try our best to identify the real serious issues, those 
affecting many users and generally improve as many of the smaller issues 
as we can, but there will always be trade-offs.


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