exit after making strace
Milosz Derezynski
internalerror at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 12:43:36 UTC 2007
If you mean that a lot of garbage was printed into the terminal, try
typing blindly 'reset' (yeah, 'reset'; it will only reset the current
terminal, not reboot your computer..), and the terminal should return
to normal.
Normally on program exit strace will exit too though, so the call
trace should have been saved; btw you can use 'strace -o <outfile>
<program> <args>' to directly output a trace to a trace file.
On 9/6/07, shirish <shirishag75 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Yesterday the first time I did an strace on a program. The
> program concerned is/was bulletproof -x which is maintained by Michael
> Vogt. For doing so I did :-
> sudo -s
> then I followed the instructions as given in
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Strace and it crashed after sometime as given
> in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/displayconfig-gtk/+bug/137541
> . Now my problem is I tried doing an exit, and instead of exiting it
> went out giving garbage. It was as if perhaps strace didn't end or
> something. As a user the only sane thing I did was to close the shell.
> Now I dunno if its a bug in strace or something. Anybody has any ideas
> if it was something simple I should have done/known in such
> circumstances or what it could be.
> Any guidance either on-list or off-list would be appreciable.
> If some more input or somethings have to be tried out, please lemme
> know, I'm game.
> Regards
> --
> Shirish Agarwal
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