Bug: blurry menu icons with most of gnome-themes

Milan nalimilan at club.fr
Tue Oct 16 16:38:28 UTC 2007

Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> As mentioned on the bug already that's not an Ubuntu specific issue and
> should be worked upstream. There is no easy workaround known at the
> moment but if you know one you are welcome to describe it on the bug
You know I'm not the kind of guy to damn Ubuntu because of the many bugs
that are still open now, but I'm going to end thinking you really don't
care. :-)
This is in my last mail:

> I found an easy workaround (see the
> report too): using 24x24 icons in themes such as Clearlooks restores the
> normal appearance of all icons. I could not find any drawback.

Which was cleary detailed here (two weeks ago):

I quote my comment:
"I tried a dirty hack: adding gtk-icon-sizes = "panel-menu=24,24" to
/usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc. And now all my Clearlooks
icons are perfect in the menus. Should we only fix the erroneous themes
(they are in gnome-themes)?"

Please, could somebody have a look to confirm this? Now it's quite late but this fix is *essential*. If there are drawbacks (and I could find none), they can hardly be worse than now.


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