evince crash

Aaron Whitehouse lists at whitehouse.org.nz
Tue Oct 9 03:51:58 UTC 2007

> It seems to me that if users, developers and testers that are
> following this list care about a particular issue or bug they can
> raise it here. If it generates no discussion and others simply ignore,
> then it is probably not a big issue.

I see your point. The same rationale, however, would support sending a
report of each new bug filed to the list. Everyone on the list *could*
ignore anything that they weren't interested in.

> Also, the fact that the release is close, to me means that any major
> bugs should pass by more eyes and get more attention.

Most people tend to see their bugs as major. I don't mean to lessen
the frustration of your plight, but not being able to view a pdf on a
password restricted site isn't the most major bug that I have seen
filed against Gutsy. In some ways there is a problem with the way
users can't rate the importance of their own bugs. I filed a bug about
suspend locking up my laptop every time it is used and one about the
default spellchecker for NZers being en_US instead of en_UK. Clearly
one is more important than the other, but they have the same
"importance" prior to being triaged. The counter-argument, I assume,
is that normal people can't be trusted to objectively rate the
importance of their bugs.

I have grave issues with Gutsy... especially seeing as it is about a
week from release. I have tested each milestone since pre-Breezy for
the LaptopTesting reports and Gutsy is the least stable for me yet.
That is largely, as I said earlier, a result of -Intel and Compiz. I
filed my reports against each package and they are still sitting there
untouched. So perhaps you are right that I should have pestered the
list instead. I just don't see it as being a good policy.

To be fair, I have now succeeded in generating more noise than the
recent bug "awareness raising" has!



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