Password-protect grub interactive commands (was: rationale of root access from boot)

Nicolas Deschildre ndeschildre at
Sun Nov 11 06:22:24 UTC 2007

On 11/10/07, Thilo Six <T.Six at> wrote:
> Nicolas Deschildre wrote the following on 10.11.2007 07:06
> <<-snip->>
> > Thanks for the pointer.
> > But then, why not use this password feature by default to avoid anyone
> > to edit boot parameter and become root?
> because it´s as easy as to plugin a LiveCD and overcome that.

What about password protected BIOS and CD drive as last boot option?
- You open up the case, take the hardrive

Ok you have a house, you know that thieves can bypass advanced alarm
systems by using cutting-edge technology tools, so why bother, you
just let the door unlocked?

Come on! Of course if you are really willing to get this data, if you
put in the ressources, you will eventually have the data. The point
is, *don't make it too easy*.

> --
> Thilo
> key: 0x4A411E09
> --
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