GIMP *final* release for Gutsy?

Emmet Hikory emmet.hikory at
Sat Nov 10 12:50:27 UTC 2007

On Nov 10, 2007 9:22 PM, Peter <ubuntu at> wrote:
> So what is it that an Ubuntu developer develops for Gimp? I thought it
> was the Gimp developers who developed Gimp. If I find a bug in Gimp I
> will address it with the Gimp developers and not with an Ubuntu
> developer. That's like saying if you run into a bug with Firefox on
> windows you'll write Microsoft.

    Ubuntu developers perform three major activities (and lots of
others), specifically packaging available software, patching that
software to address reported bugs, and working to integrate that
software with the rest of the distribution.  If an issue is
encountered with a package, it is much preferable to report it to
Ubuntu, as it may or may not affect the upstream package (and the
Ubuntu developers will forward the report if it does).

> I appreciate the patches that Ubuntu developers make, I've seen them
> when creating packages but when an update of a package comes out, not a
> major release but a minor one like Gimp 2.4-rc3 -> 2.4.0 -> 2.4.1 ,
> it's my believe you'll only have to check if your patches are still
> relevant.
> Is it Ubuntu's policy to do Q&A on all the packages it puts in the
> repositories?

    Yes, every update to a release goes through a QA process to ensure
that it does not cause regressions in behaviour.  Packages in each
development cycle are tested thorugh a series of Alpha and Beta
releases, where the developers attempt to address any discovered
outstanding bugs.  Further, near the end of a development cycle, and
for the life of a supported release, effort is made to not update the
software in such a way that might introduce new bugs, specifically
meaning that while additional patches are applied to address old bugs,
new version are only very rarely imported, to reduce the chance of a
new change causing additional bugs.


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