GIMP *final* release for Gutsy?
George Farris
farrisg at
Fri Nov 9 17:17:30 UTC 2007
On Thu, 2007-11-08 at 19:26 -0500, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Thu, 08 Nov 2007 16:48:55 -0700 "Scott (angrykeyboarder)"
> <geekboy at> wrote:
> >Gutsy shipped with a *non-final* release of The GIMP (2.4 RC3, to be
> >specific).
> >
> >In situations of this type (my) logic would dictate that Gutsy would be
> >updated (gutsy-updates?) with the Final version soon after it's release
> >(rather than leave users with an unfinished product in main).
> >
> >As this has not been the case, I requested a sync from Debian Sid (sid
> >currently has GIMP 2.4.1). My request was marked as a duplicate of the
> >following:
> >
> >
> >
> >The initial response to that bug was "THank you for your bug report. I'm
> >marking this as triaged."
> >
> >The bug was then quietly changed from "Triaged" to "Wishlist"(!).
> >
> >In my worst case scenario GIMP 2.4.x would eventually land in Gutsy
> >backports. In my best case scenario it would (more logically) land in
> >main and in the next week.
> >
> >It seems this has become a "back burner bug".
> >
> >How might I get it back to the "front burner" and how might I get GIMP
> >2.4.x to land in a Gutsy updates or backports place within, say the
> >next week?
> >
> >Please note:
> >
> >I'm not a developer.
> >I'm not package maintainer.
> >I'm just an ordinary user.
> >
> As a rule, developers aren't terribly impressed by version numbers. What problem are you
> having that you think this would fix and that is severe enough to warrant a stable release
> update?
Well here is the problem. There are many of us that want to support
Ubuntu, we want to sell it into corporations and the like. It needs to
have a professional twist to it, having a release candidate and with
the spelling wrong is not good on a high profile application like GIMP.
Having a bug in Network Manager with won't fix so when you set a static
IP address your VPN goes away, can you imagine the reaction from your
customer, I can, I've been there, not good, make sure upgrades
absolutely don't hoop the system. Nautilus ssh sessions seem to hang
Does Ubuntu want to expand? If so then it must be professional or you
won't make it. I love Ubuntu but the truth is if you want to get into
businesses you will have to address these kinds of issues. Try
documentation, go take a look at the Microsoft stuff and then try
duplication the documentation so anyone can follow it not just a Linux
I'm not grateful, maybe just honest, you guys have done a bang up job on
Gutsy, well done, love the new printing stuff, makes a huge difference
to my customers.
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