KLF Setup
Arwyn Hainsworth
arwynh+ubuntu at gmail.com
Tue May 8 05:25:43 UTC 2007
On 08/05/07, Jan Claeys <lists at janc.be> wrote:
> Op vrijdag 04-05-2007 om 11:01 uur [tijdzone -0400], schreef Johnathan
> Falk:
> > One of the biggest things that linux users forget all the time is that
> > Microsoft doesn't have a monopoly because of their pretty desktop because if
> > desktop beauty was the deciding factor we would all use OS X. The biggest
> > thing is that one a windows server you can have Ldap + Kerberos + File
> > Serving setup in under 10 minutes with no hassle. On windows its "Hey do you
> > want to install Active Directory? Ok I can do that for you type your dns
> > domain name and admin password POOF! I'm done."
> And then the result is that Windows-admins don't understand how it
> actually works...? ;-)
> But you're right that that is one of the things that makes Microsoft &
> Apple popular. It's also why Ubuntu is rather popular too, even if we
> don't have as many one-click-wizards (or even zero-click-wizards) yet.
I think you just pointed out the crux of the matter. To be more
precise I think what Ubuntu Server is lacking is decent configuration
tools. A few programs provide web-interfaces for configuration, but
most of the time you are forced to edit the configuration files by
hand. Each configuration file has it's own format and is hidden in
it's own secret location. While this is no problem to the advanced
admin it can provide a rather high entrance barrier.
What Ubuntu needs is a centralised administration framework. Something
that can have multiple UIs for different functionality, but with a
single backend. I wrote a spec[1] on this topic a while back, but have
not gotten around to implementing it.
It would also be possible to just write a simple wizard to setup the
system AD style via ssh, but that would not be nearly as elegant.
Some form of remote administration really is a must if Ubuntu, either
as a stand-alone server or as a unified solution) is to be marketed
towards the SMB market and I would very much like his to become a
priority for Canonical/Ubuntu.
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