KLF Setup

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Mon May 7 20:22:13 UTC 2007

Op vrijdag 04-05-2007 om 11:01 uur [tijdzone -0400], schreef Johnathan
> One of the biggest things that linux users forget all the time is that
> Microsoft doesn't have a monopoly because of their pretty desktop because if
> desktop beauty was the deciding factor we would all use OS X.  The biggest
> thing is that one a windows server you can have Ldap + Kerberos + File
> Serving setup in under 10 minutes with no hassle. On windows its "Hey do you
> want to install Active Directory? Ok I can do that for you type your dns
> domain name and admin password POOF! I'm done." 

And then the result is that Windows-admins don't understand how it
actually works...?   ;-)

But you're right that that is one of the things that makes Microsoft &
Apple popular.  It's also why Ubuntu is rather popular too, even if we
don't have as many one-click-wizards (or even zero-click-wizards) yet.

Jan Claeys

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