Bug Tags, especially 'bitesize'

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 15 19:58:58 UTC 2007

On Thu, Mar 15, 2007 at 12:47:58PM +0100, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> a lot of teams have been using the tags feature of Malone to better
> organise their workflow. In an attempt to agree on common tags for the
> same thing, the BugSquad, the MOTU team, the Desktop team and others
> agreed on the ones listed at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Tags
> One of the most important items is the 'bitesize' tag. It classifies
> bugs which are suited for new community members who'd like to contribute
> to Ubuntu. If you find bugs that you don't have time to fix but will
> invite contributors to your team, please use the tag. For a list of bugs
> that were already marked as 'bitesize' take a look over here:
> https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize
> Other important tags: 
>       * 'likely-dup' for bugs that might be a duplicate of another one.
>       * 'packaging' classify packaging bugs.
>       * 'ubuntulove' for small projects - definitely bigger than
>         'bitesize'.
> Please let's all make an effort to tag bugs, so we build up our own
> automatic todo list.

Thanks for getting this started.  It's so valuable to have lists like these
to help new contributors find ways to get involved.

I've added a link to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment so that it's
easily found from the website.  I suggest adding it to an appropriate place
in the MOTU documentation as well, as a place to look for predefined tasks
that need to be done.

 - mdz

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