Launchpad bug workflow change

Emmet Hikory emmet.hikory at
Wed Jun 20 00:32:45 UTC 2007

On 6/20/07, Henrik Nilsen Omma <henrik at> wrote:
> >> What has beene taken away? The ability for anyone with an email address
> >> to set bugs to In progress and similar. We have also added 3 new bug
> >> states which I think will be very useful.

    The new bug states are likely helpful (once we get used to them),
but the addition of new bug states is a separate issue from the
entitlement restrictions on changing Status.

> If we need to give wider permissions to more people then I'm sure we can
> do that, both for triaging and fixing, either through ubuntu-qa or other
> teams that we can set up. Even an open team with thousands of members
> might be better than just anyone with a launchpad account. The
> registration page for that team could refer to triaging guidelines.

    The current Ubutu BugSquad (~bugsquad) is 1) an open team, and 2)
the registration page refers to triaging guidelines (indirectly: the
team page links to several triaging guides and similar documentation).
 Would the use of this team in preference to open changes meet your
goals?  It's certainly better than ~ubuntu-dev for many current
workflows, although it still represents a signficant change from
current practices.

    Separately, despite much bug trolling, with the exception of
"Confirmed" (which "Triaged" should solve), I have not seen a
significant number of bugs that had a more advanced status than was
appropriate, whereas I have encountered a large number of bugs that
should have been "Fix Released" that were in earlier states, the
majority of which had been fixed through external (upstream, Debian)
updates, rather than requiring the involvement of an Ubuntu developer.


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