Launchpad bug workflow change

Onno Benschop onno at
Tue Jun 19 21:47:14 UTC 2007

On 20/06/07 04:56, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> What I did not mention in my first mail (just confirmed this with the LP 
> developer), is that the groups who can set the different states will now 
> also change.
> [..deleted..]
> A developer can:
>  * Move the bug from Triaged to ToDo or push it back to a previous category.
So, I'm a member of the general community. I have taken ownership of a
bug, I'm working on it, and I cannot set it to ToDo, Triaged or In Progress?

How do I manage the bugs I'm working on, and more importantly, how do I
tell everyone else that I'm working on them?

Onno Benschop

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