Announcing wineui

Joshua A. Andler joshua at
Mon Jun 11 19:10:13 UTC 2007

By any chance have you tried FileZilla 3 on Windows? It's the same thing
as the one on Linux (although slower on Windows).

FZ3 is a full rewrite, this is not a "port" to linux, it was rewritten
from the ground up to be cross-platform. At some point FZ3 will be the
recommended version and FZ2 will be deprecated and unmaintained.

So, when the FZ2 line is discontinued on win32, FZ3 will be the same on
all platforms... And at that time, per your suggestion, it means that
FZ3 would be recommended for wine (which would be insane because there
is a native version) and not FZ2 that you seem to love so much.


(``-_-´´) -- Fernando wrote:
> please dont even try to compare the windows version with th port to GNU/Linux.
> Its not even like the same thing.
> I prefer the windows version many times to the port.
> On 6/9/07, Adrien Cunin <adri2000 at> wrote:
>> Le vendredi 08 juin 2007 à 21:15 -0700, Scott Ritchie a écrit :
>>> So?  If a user wants to use eMule or Filezilla, why shouldn't we make it
>>> easier to do that?
>> FileZilla is a bad example: sudo apt-get install filezilla ;-)
>> --
>> Adrien Cunin aka Adri2000
>> --
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